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Approved Minutes 4/23/2014
City of Salem Massachusetts
Public Meeting Minutes

Board or Committee:             Design Review Board, Regular Meeting
Date and Time:                  Monday April 23, 2014 at 6:00pm
Meeting Location:                       Third Floor Conference Room, 120 Washington Street
Members Present:        Paul Durand, J. Michael Sullivan,
Ernest DeMaio, David Jaquith, Glenn Kennedy,
Members Absent:         Helen Sides,
Others Present:                         Andrew Shapiro
Recorder:                               Jennifer Pennell

Paul Durand calls the meeting to order.

Urban Renewal Area Projects Under Review
  • 188 Essex Street (Red Line Cafe): Discussion of proposed umbrellas for outdoor seating area and A-Frame sign.
The submission under review includes a letter, cut sheets, renderings of the proposed outdoor seating area showing placement of a-frame sign and umbrellas, and A-Frame sign photo.

Maria Veres of Red Line Café noted that they were interested in adding umbrellas to their previously approved outdoor seating area in order to provide a “pop” of color and to be more inviting.  She noted that sometimes the sun causes customers to be uncomfortable and that the umbrellas should help.  

With regard to the A-Frame sign, Veres noted that it would be all black, metal framed, and be changeable with a dry-erase marker.  She said that she understood that the placement of the sign was of concern and that she would be flexible in terms of what the Board would request.  She indicated that the sign would help with business because many people don’t always know that their business is open because the shading of the windows is so dark.  Additionally, it would be helpful to display menu items and other specials.

Shapiro noted the umbrellas would be a red canvas material with no advertisement. Ms. Veres confirmed this.  They would be located at the 3 tables currently sitting in front of the café. The A-Frame sign should not be located right in front of the door. Shapiro commented that the sign could be located on the other end of the storefront.  

Sullivan commented that the proposed A-Frame sign should be located on the other-side away from the door. Sullivan questioned if the umbrellas would be located under the canopy.
Durand agreed that locating the sign on the opposite side of the storefront, away from the door, would be advisable.

Sullivan questioned whether the umbrellas would sit underneath the existing canopy.

Veres noted that the umbrellas would be located under the canopy.

Durand noted that he agrees with Shapiro’s comment regarding the location of the sign and applauds the color selection.

DeMaio noted that A-Frame signs are usually branded to the particular establishment and usually have at least one fixed piece, sometimes located at the top of the sign, which will have an establishment’s name.

Veres agreed that they could have the top fixed to say “Red Line Café.”

Jaquith noted that he agrees with the suggested sign location.

Jaquith: Motion to approve with the following conditions:
  • A-Frame sign must be located at end of storefront furthest from the door.
Seconded by: Durand, Passes 4-0.

At this point (6:15pm), Glenn Kennedy arrived.

New Business

  • Shapiro commented that Mr. DeMaio had recently pointed out to him, that a grey exposed conduit runs along the façade of the 43 Church Street building, above the awning and down each side.  He noted that this had never been approved by the Boards to his knowledge, but that the feature existed prior to Mr. Turner assuming ownership of the building.
Durand noted that the Board usually precludes applicants from using such a fixture on this type of historic building.  

DeMaio agreed and noted that typically the Board will ask applicants about exposed conduits and lighting, and if any are to be proposed, they request that it be painted out or other solutions amenable to the Board.

Durand questioned if research could be done in regards to 43 Church Street and the approved drawing for Turners Seafood. The intent was never to have the conduit exposed.

Shapiro noted that he would research the issue to see when and if a conduit was either approved or forbidden, or to glean any other information.  He continued by noting that he could draft a letter to the building owner to express the DRB’s opinion about the conduit, and that a solution of perhaps painting it could be requested.  

DeMaio commented that the letter should also address that it is not keeping with the high standards applied to the other improvements made to the building. It becomes an eyesore. The intent would be to paint the conduit so that it is less apparent. This would need to be approved by the board.
  • Shapiro noted that Tavern in the Square has put out a number of blade signs but the design was never approved by the DRB.   He further explained that a signage plan had been approved by the Board, which denoted several blade signs, but not the ones that were recently erected.  Shapiro noted that he would reach out to them to have them retroactively submit an application to the Board for approval of the signage.

Approval of the minutes from the revised February 26, 2014 regular meeting.

Jaquith: Motion to approve.
Seconded by: Durand, Passes 5-0.

Approval of the minutes from the March 26, 2014 regular meeting.

Durand: Motion to approve.
Seconded by: Kennedy, Passes 5-0.


        Jaquith:  Motion to adjourn,
Seconded by Kennedy. Passes 5-0.

        Meeting is adjourned at 6:20 pm.